Tuesday, June 9, 2009

So long, my luckless romance

I hate having exam blues. It never fails to pay me a visit every time an exam is near.

I was listening to Almost Lover by A Fine Frenzy and i came across a comment by one of the viewers. Quote:

this song is a part of everyone since we all experienced love in good and bad ways..sometimes we get hurt and sometimes we hurt others....the thing people do for love is amazing....knowing that everytime we fall in love our heart getting broken over and over is worth those few moments that we get to feel loved....so we are all heroes in some way because we always get up and keep going.. :)...the way u forget someone is by starting to believe that he/she isnt the only one for us out there

End quote.

The tears, the heartache, the pain, the sadness, the sleepless nights, is it really worth it?

I believe so.

Monday, May 18, 2009


What i miss the most is just sitting at the pan min shop after a good lunch and chatting away for hours about everything and anything under the sun.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

My girls

I don't really know where to start. When i was possibly having one of the worst times of my life, having bid farewell to my best friend of 14 years to Australia and having go through a depressing break up, you girls came right into my life and injected a heartbeat into an almost dead me.

Kylie, i seriously don't know how to thank you enough. After hardly talking or seeing each other for the whole of last semester and through the long holidays, when i needed you, you were always there to listen to my problems, give me advice and accompany me through those almost unbearable nights. I can't even imagine how i could go through that period if it wasn't for you. Thanks for laughing at all my lame, stupid jokes and always lending me an ear. Somehow i feel that we have drifted apart a bit since, but i want you to know no matter what happens, i will always be there for you like you were for me.

Tsae, just thinking about you puts a smile on my face. You are without a doubt still one of the most innocent people i know. Despite my best efforts to corrupt your mind, you are still such a good girl. If we were a family you would surely be the daughter. And what family would be complete without a daughter?

I really am glad to have really genuine, spontaneous, open, crazy, no drama, no complains friends like you two. When we are out having fun i feel as though i don't have any worries in the world and all i look forward to is how much fun we are going to have the next day.

Now, some of the unforgettable memories over the past few months.

#1 Spontaneous Genting trip after Monday's lecture.

Peace sign with some tongue

They have a weird thing for mirrors o.O

Camwhoring while i try to win back my saman money

They hate flash but i love it

Can't a guy have some fun?

Cock eyed pony and a retarded, three-eared donkey with rabies

#2 Penang trip during Easter break.

Smile for the camera! Car speed? 140km/h. =P

Breathtaking view from our room

Tsae cheese!

Did i mention they had a thing for mirrors?

Honeymooners. HEH

Picking up a random chick by the beach

Sun, sand and babes =)

Lost for words

Heaven in a bowl

Gets me salivating every single time

They call this sleeping Buddha? OKAY.....

Kylie's husband from the mainland. Not me

Kylie and Tsae's failed lansi face. Apparently they didn't have as much practice as i have

Malaysian police

Some people claim that the Malaysian police force are among the most efficient in the world. In order to put that theory into test, the FBI, the KGB and the Royal Malaysian Police released a rabbit into a jungle and measured the time it took for each of them to retrieve the little bunny.

The FBI used the most sophisticated of tracking devices to help locate the bunny. They programmed their outer space satellites to pin point the exact position of the bunny and then went to catch the little critter with a GPS. In total, it took them 4 hours.

The KGB, who hired thousands of cheap Russian operatives opted to screen the entire jungle by forming a line of agents the width of the entire jungle and walk through the jungle hand in hand. After 2 hours, they found the little rabbit wondering around by a stream.

Then it was the Royal Malaysian Police's turn to strut their stuff. They sent in 2 plain clothed officers into the jungle and within 45 minutes they were out. Along with them was a bear in handcuffs who was beaten up badly. The bear looked at reporters and helplessly admitted, "i'm a rabbit, i'm a rabbit.".

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Third time's the charm?

The people who know me well may be aware of the fact that i had created blogs in the past, only to post a few posts and then abandon them. Well, here's hoping that this one will be a keeper.

Woke up early today, actually i hardly slept after waking up at 2 in the morning having fallen asleep at 11. Got dressed and headed down a very smooth flowing Federal Highway to Monash. Sat at a computer on the ground floor of the library and tried to log into my blackboard but it was blocked! Wtf, must be because i have an outstanding fine of 200 bucks for late enrolment. Screw you, as if fees aren't enough. 200 would just be the tip of the enormous cash iceberg Monash has.

Soon, i received an sms from Cristine whom i invited over to have a group study session. Didn't really expect her to come as it was a freaking Saturday morning, but i'm really glad she did. First time actually speaking to her in person as i just met her at Aladdin a couple weeks back. Yeah, a girl who plays Dota and looks good as well. Pardon my prejudice. Suffice to say that i've been proven wrong once more. A very sweet and intelligent girl i might add. We ended up playing pet society and restaurant city(which i'm currently hooked to) most of the time as most group study sessions end up.

Then headed down to Angie's to get my hair cut. And as usual she would talk to me about my ex as she was the one who brought me there in the first place. She told me that my ex was there the day before and that she asked her the reason for our breaking up. What really got me laughing was when she told me she actually called my ex 'hen sui', which means very heartless? And she was very quiet unlike her usual self always trying to entertain me with her philosophies. The irony being that we had made a bet the last time i was there on whether it would rain, the wager being if i won she would dye my hair for free and if she did i would have to talk to her more. And it seemed that everytime i go there she is charging me cheaper? From 50 to 45 and now 40? Thanks Angie. You aren't just the best hairdresser but a great friend.

Anyway, attended Judson's 21st on Thursday at his place in Kajang after dinner with Vernon at our usual place. One of my few remaining brothers in KL whom i can tell anything to, we don't hang out as often as when Alex was around. Then, a very long drive to Kajang but birthdays are a must to attend. They had catering with a good variety of food and tons of the famous Kajang Satay which i gobbled only several sticks as i was full. After the formalities, we then started our usual poker session. Everyone expected me to play like the aggressive bull i was the last time and make a bluff on every opportunity but i did the exact opposite playing really tight. Needless to say it paid off pretty well.

Group photo of the Cheras/Connaught group

On Friday night went for dinner and stand up comedy by Douglas Lim, one of the cast of Kopitiam from way back at Lake Club. Events at the club would always mean a chance to rub shoulders with Datuks and foreigners which is fun. Everybody is always very warm and friendly. I will admit that it was not as funny as i expected it to be but funny enough. He made a lot of jokes on race, government servants, Singaporeans, the situation in Perak, Chua Soi Lek, Amber Chia and Najib.

The final and presumably the punchline of the night was a joke about how he wished he could be Najib not because he had all that power, but because he could drive his car on Jalan Tun Razak at 20km/h while going left, right, left and right again until somebody would drive up next to his car, unwind the window, and scream, "Your father's road ah?".